Tetra Tech is supporting the Millennium Challenge Corporation (MCC) to harness nature-based solutions and promote sustainable economic development to revitalize coastal resources in Mozambique’s Zambezia region.
The Zambezia region is rich in natural coastal and marine resources, including mangroves, productive soil, wetlands, forests, and protected areas. More than 50 percent of Mozambique’s population depends heavily on marine resources, with fishing providing nearly half of the average family’s income. However, poor management of these resources leads to overfishing and threatens livelihoods. Mangroves are also being overexploited for fuel and construction, and their protection is crucial for the health of coastal ecosystems. These challenges reduce economic opportunities, protein sources, and protection from climate change.
- Improving fisheries management practices to increase fish stocks
- Protecting mangroves and enhancing key habitats through better management and restoration
- Supporting the development of new blue and green economy jobs
- Promoting nature-based solutions to protect coastal communities from climate events
To address these challenges, the MCC has invested $100 million to help Mozambique improve fisheries management practices, enhance key habitats, develop new sources of income from the blue and green economy, and use nature-based solutions to protect coastal communities from the growing frequency and severity of climate events. Tetra Tech is Leading with Science® to provide due diligence services to the MCC, helping to effectively measure the impact of activities and support evidence-based decision-making and program design.
At a glance
Contract value
Millennium Challenge Corporation (MCC)
Implementation period
Environment, marine and coastal management